18 April, 2021
2.0 million views of Science Magazine video highlighting our cavity paperTwo Million views of paper highlight video
29 October, 2019
Science Advances paper on bubble coalescence highlighted in Nature Middle EastBubbles coalescence paper highlighted in Nature Middle East
27 August, 2019
Stable-streamlined cavities following the impact of non-superhydrophobic spheres on waterSoft Matter back cover highlight
27 June, 2018
JFM Cover: Early azimuthal instability during drop impactArticle image selected as the cover of volume 848 of Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
08 September, 2017
Science Advances cavity paper highlight in ScienceShots and YouTube videoScience Advances paper highlight in ScienceShots and Science Magazine YouTube video
11 June, 2017
PRL paper on Leidenfrost drag reduction highlighted by KAUST DiscoveryPRL paper on Leidenfrost drag reduction highlighted by KAUST Discovery
01 August, 2015
PRL paper on ice drag highlighted in Physics - FocusPRL paper on ice drag highlighted in Physics - Focus
25 November, 2014
Gallery of Fluid Motion Award, at the APS-DFD meeting in San Francisco, 25th November. Covered on BBC:Gallery of Fluid Motion Award, at the APS-DFD meeting in San Francisco, 25th November. Covered on BBC
21 August, 2014
Soft Matters cover: Leidenfrost vapour layer moderation of the drag crisis and trajectories of superhydrophobic and hydrophilic spheres falling in waterArticle image selected as the cover of Volume 10 Number 31 of Soft Matters
21 February, 2013
Physics of Fluids cover: Scanning tomographic particle image velocimetry applied to a turbulent jetArticle image selected as the cover of Volume 25 Issue 2 of Physics of Fluids.
20 November, 2012
Professor Thoroddsen elected Fellow of the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid DynamicsProfessor Thoroddsen elected Fellow of the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics
19 November, 2012
Winning video entry of the Gallery of Fluid Motion: How to Freeze Drops with PowderVideo winning entry for the Gallery of Fluid Motion at the APS DFD meeting 2012
10 October, 2012
JFM cover: Micro-bubble morphologies following drop impacts onto a pool surfaceArticle image selected as the cover of volume 708 of Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
29 September, 2012
PRL: Vortex street within an impacting dropHighlight on KAUST website of recently published article in Physical Review Letters on drop impact.
13 September, 2012
Nature: Stabilization of Leidenfrost vapour layerKAUST Research: Surface allows water to boil without bubbling
10 August, 2012
JFM cover: Evolution of fluid-like granular ejecta generated by sphere impactArticle image selected as the cover of volume 704 of Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
25 May, 2012
JFM cover: Cavity formation by the impact of Leidenfrost spheresArticle image selected as the cover of volume 699 of Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
23 May, 2011
PRL: Drag reduction by Leidenfrost vapor layersHighlight on KAUST website of recently published article in Physical Review Letters on drag reduction by Leidenfrost vapor layers.
18 May, 2011
PRL: Droplet splashing by a slingshot mechanismArticle published in Physical Review Letters.