
Categories: Current Research
We use glass micro-fluidic devices, made in-house, to produce composite emulsions.  Postdoctoral researcher Erqiang Li and Ph.D. student Jiaming Zhang are working on this project.  We are also fabricating our own inkjet printers to generate small droplets.  Li’s design allows us to dispense liquids with much larger viscosities than possible with commercial piezoelectric inkjet printers.
Li, E. Q., Xu, Q., Fuh, J. Y. H., Wong, Y. S. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2010), Design and Fabrication of aPET-Based Piezoelectric Squeeze Mode  Drop-on-DemandInkjet Printhead with Interchangeable NozzleSensors and Actuators A, Physical163, 315-322.